The Promotional Video of Our First Intellectual Output has been Published.


Digital Storytelling Toolkit will be prepared to provide chance for adults to improve their creativity and continue their language training in digital way.

Consequently, the main aim of the output is integrating technology to education system to develop adults’ language skills and creativity. In addition, the output also aims to give a better understanding of the usage of multimodal approach like digital storytelling in language learning for adults.

This output will be helpful for teachers by providing them a new perception about the integration of technology in fostering language skills among learners and promote using technology for engaging them in their learning process. Thus, adult teachers will have opportunity to continue teaching process in pandemic period with the usage

The set consists of 5 parts in general:                                                      

  1. Basic Skills for Using Digital Tools
  2. Steps to Create a Digital Story
  3. Literature Review on Digital Storytelling
  4. More Technical Information for Digital Emulation Materials
  5. Teamwork in Digital Storytelling

You can see how the output is prepared in our video :)


“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”