Online Platform (StoryLand)

StoryLand is an online e-learning platform that focuses on English language learning and provides self-learning and sharing activities for adults. It is a website aimed at contributing to the lifelong learning process of adults, helping them adapt to the digital age, explore the world beyond boundaries, and regain their beliefs by enhancing their creativity skills, especially during the pandemic period.

StoryLand encompasses all elements of the Digital Storytelling Toolkit and consists of 5 main sections:

Stories and Ideas

Collections and Preservations

Schools and Teachers


Online Editing

StoryLand is a powerful tool for creating e-learning environments based on constructivist teaching and learning principles. It has the potential to engage learners in integrated learning approaches with digital media.

Our platform, which is free to use, along with our digital storytelling toolkit, is open to all individuals who are interested in self-improvement.

Click to access the platform


“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”