Second Transnational Meeting of our Project


The second international meeting of our project was held at the UC Limburg campus in Hasselt, Belgium.

In addition to Van Provincial Directorate of National Education, representatives of project partner institutions Van Edremit Public Education Directorate, RS Planning and Project Center, Zavod Boter Institute (Slovenia), UC Limburg University (Belgium) and Sportsko učilište PESG University (Croatia) attended the meeting.

n the project, which was prepared with the general aim of increasing the digital competencies of adults in order to increase their foreign language proficiency and equipping them with the qualifications required by the new world order, the Digital Storytelling Toolkit was evaluated which had been prepared by the cooperation of all partner organizations after the first meeting held in Van, Turkey. Designed as e-learning material, this output contains all the information and resources needed for adults to create digital stories.

Afterwards, task distribution regarding the e-learning platform “Storyland” digital environment, which will be the second output of the project, was made. Then, the dissemination efforts of the project were clarified and the dates were determined.

When all these intellectual outputs are completed, they will be accessible at

The next meeting of the project will be held in Slovenia in November 2022.

“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”